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*just kidding, you actually have just found the super secret page full of more random stupid crap that I can [arguably] do, like:
- coding,
- butterfly knife tricking,
- pen spinning,
- tin whistling,
- lock picking,
- solving a 3x3x3 in 1:30,
- paracord weaving,
- bead pattern sculpting,
- foam clay modelling,
- blackletter calligraphy,
- card/hashi/knife/axe throwing,
- padiddling,
- freestyle begleri tricking,
- barehand apple splitting,
- converting between 8-bit binary and ascii by head,
- raw egg balancing [and then cracking it open with only one hand without fucking the yolk up],
- and also balancing cards, including in some unreasonable ways,
- transliterating between like a dozen different alphabets,
- I've also tried drawing in the distant past with vastly varied degress of success, both with and without reference, sometimes pretentiously wasting paint in the proccess,
- reciting 70ish% of Poe - The Raven from memory with an ugly accent,
- mead brewing,
- singing[citation needed],
- convincing my grandparents that I'm fine,
- aligning all tictacs in a box,
- folding a shirt in 2 seconds,
- completely missing a large target at close range with a recurve bow,
- etc.
You can also check out my rarelly updated reading and watching profiles, my abandoned unfruitful attempts at becoming a polyglot, and on my daily updated unless i'm dead.